


2018-03-19 11:16:00 来源:华南师范大学环境研究院 点击:

谢老师照片楼下-4比3-600-800-100k.jpg谢凌天,教授,博士生导师。中科院“百人计划”获得者,华南师范大学领军人才,国际环境毒理与化学学会(SETAC)及中国毒理学会(CST)会员。担任Ecotoxicology副主编(Associate Editor)、Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry及应用生态学报等国际及国内学术期刊编委,在2019年评为环境学科及相关领域期刊经常受邀审稿人(Elsevier 2019年度全球审稿人前41%)。科技部国家重点研发计划评审专家、广东省自然科学基金杰出青年评委、科技部科技专家库入选专家,参与编撰中国大百科全书三版--生态学(污染生态与毒理生态学分支)。

主要从事化学品的水生生态毒理学研究,结合进化生物学、群体遗传学、组学及系统生物学等多学科研究方法,探讨不同生物学水平上化学品对水生生物的毒性效应及毒理机制。在鱼类金属抗性进化、进化与金属敏感性、硒的生物地球化学、有机物内分泌干扰效应等领域取得了一系列国内外领先的研究成果。在PNAS、Environmental Science & Technology、Environmental International、Journal of Hazardous Materials等国际学术刊物发表论文100余篇。


国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42177257,绿藻对典型抗生素胁迫的响应、机制及系统发生学研究

● 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41877366,食物相镉、硒在日本青鳉鱼脑中的累积规律及神经效应研究

● 国家重点研发计划-场地土壤环境损害鉴定评估方法和标准-子课题,2018YFC1801200,基于水生动物毒性的场地土壤污染评估方法研究

● 华南师范大学海外引进领军人才科研启动基金,生态毒理学

● 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31270549,不同摄入途径下日本鳉鱼对Cd、Zn的分子毒性响应差异及内在机理

● 中国科学院百人计划项目,Y3YBR111Y3


  1. He, S., Li, D., Wang, F., Zhang, C., Yue, C., Huang, Y., Xie, L., Zhang, Y.T., Mu, J., 2022. Parental exposure to sulfamethazine and nanoplastics alters the gut microbial communities in the offspring of marine madaka (Oryzias melastigma). J. Hazard. Mater. 423, 127003.

  2. Qiu, S.-Q., Huang, G.-Y., Fang, G.-Z., Li, X.-P., Lei, D.-Q., Shi, W.-J., Xie, L., Ying, G.-G., 2022a. Chemical characteristics and toxicological effects of leachates from plastics under simulated seawater and fish digest. Water Res. 209, 117892.

  3. Qiu, S.-Q., Li, X.-P., Huang, G.-Y., Lei, D.-Q., Fang, G.-Z., Shi, W.-J., Chen, H.-X., Xie, L., Ying, G.-G., 2022b. Chemical profile and toxicity of the leachates from aged plastics under simulated conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production 375, 134151.

  4. Li, D., Chen, H., Liu, H., Schlenk, D., Mu, J., Lacorte, S., Ying, G.-G., Xie, L., 2021a. Anticancer drugs in the aquatic ecosystem: Environmental occurrence, ecotoxicological effect and risk assessment. Environ. Int. 153, 106543.

  5. Li, X., Liu, H., Li, D., Lei, H., Wei, X., Schlenk, D., Mu, J., Chen, H., Yan, B., Xie, L., 2021b. Dietary Seleno-l-Methionine Causes Alterations in Neurotransmitters, Ultrastructure of the Brain, and Behaviors in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environ. Sci. Technol. 55, 11894-11905.

  6. Liu, H., Li, X., Lei, H., Li, D., Chen, H., Schlenk, D., Yan, B., Yongju, L., Xie, L., 2021. Dietary Seleno-l-methionine Alters the Microbial Communities and Causes Damage in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Japanese Medaka Oryzias latipes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55, 16515-16525.

  7. Wang, H., Chen, H., Chernick, M., Li, D., Ying, G.-G., Yang, J., Zheng, N., Xie, L., Hinton, D.E., Dong, W., 2020. Selenomethionine exposure affects chondrogenic differentiation and bone formation in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). J. Hazard. Mater. 387, 121720.

  8. Zhang, C., Yi, X., Chen, C., Tian, D., Liu, H., Xie, L., Zhu, X., Huang, M., Ying, G.-G., 2020. Contamination of neonicotinoid insecticides in soil-water-sediment systems of the urban and rural areas in a rapidly developing region: Guangzhou, South China. Environ. Int. 139, 105719.

  9. Huang, G.-Y., Shi, W.-J., Fang, G.-Z., Liang, Y.-Q., Liu, Y.-S., Liu, S.-S., Hu, L.-X., Chen, H.-X., Xie, L., Ying, G.-G., 2020. Endocrine disruption in western mosquitofish from open and closed aquatic ecosystems polluted by swine farm wastewaters. Environ. Int. 137, 105552.

  10. Huang, G.-Y., Liang, Y.-Q., Liu, Y.-S., Shi, W.-J., Liu, S.-S., Hu, L.-X., Xie, L., Ying, G.-G., 2019. Swine farm wastewater discharge causes masculinization of western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Environ. Int. 123, 132-140.

  11. Shi, W.-J., Jiang, Y.-X., Huang, G.-Y., Zhao, J.-L., Zhang, J.-N., Liu, Y.-S., Xie, L.-T., Ying, G.-G., 2018. Dydrogesterone causes male bias and accelerates sperm maturation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 8903-8911.

  12. Conley, J.M., Watson, A.T., Xie, L., Buchwalter, D.B., 2014. Dynamic selenium assimilation, distribution, efflux, and maternal transfer in Japanese medaka fed a diet of Se-enriched mayflies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48, 2971-2978.

  13. Xie, L., Flippin, J.L., Deighton, N., Funk, D.H., Dickey, D.A., Buchwalter, D.B., 2009. Mercury (II) bioaccumulation and antioxidant physiology in four aquatic insects. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 934-940.

  14. Buchwalter, D.B., Cain, D.J., Martin, C.A., Xie, L., Luoma, S.N., Garland, T., 2008. Aquatic insect ecophysiological traits reveal phylogenetically based differences in dissolved cadmium susceptibility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 8321-8326.


Email: lingtian.xie@m.scnu.edu.cn


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6962-3957

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